Train up a child in the way he should go, and even when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverb 22:6.
One of the most important legacies you can leave your children is to teach your children and teens to read the Bible regularly. Children are open to learning what we teach them, especially if we model what we teach them with our example. Unfortunately, bad habits are more contagious than good. Bad habits spread more quickly than good ones. But it is possible to pass on good habits to our children if we do it with love and dedicate time, patience, and persistence. Reading and studying the Bible is a habit we must cultivate and nurture.
At VPS, we say that our students are Warriors, and we work to equip them with God's Armor so they can withstand the test and come out victorious. Part of that preparation is the study of God's Word and the constant reading and understanding of the Bible. Aware of the importance of cultivating the good habit of studying the Word of God, we want to share with you some tips on how to help your child or teen develop the habit of reading the Bible.
1. Be a model, read the Bible- Make it a habit yourself. Read the Bible regularly and with such joy that everyone notices. Children learn by example, and what better role model than their parents or tutors?
2. Start by Reading the Bible with them- You can also start by reading the Bible to them. Try reading them one or two verses. Maintain it simple and make it fun. Show them that reading the Bible can be fun and exciting.
3. Do not hurry and take your time- Pick a Chapter of the Bible and show them how many things they can learn from one Chapter. Give time for questions and for them to express their concerns and doubts.
4. Make it Fun- You can encourage them to memorize verses and give them little prizes for their disposition. Look out for Illustrated Versions and Child-friendly versions. You can also listen to an audio Bible for children or teens and if they are young, show them Illustrations and pictures to help make it more engaging. You can act it out, make them draw a picture of what they learned, teach them a song, or use puppets.
5. Encourage your Children to apply God's Word in their daily endeavors. When they start seeing the fruits of using God's Words in their lives, they will want to continue studying it more.
6. Discuss it- Encourage your children to discuss what they read and establish meaningful conversations with them. These interactions with you will prepare them for the future and give them the tools to share their faith with others when they grow up.
Bible reading does not have to be a nuisance or something your children or teens hate. It is up to us to teach them how to incorporate Bible reading into their daily routines. We are the ones that can nurture this healthy habit that would bring many fruits to their lives. You will witness how their lives will transform by God's Word and how they will benefit from it. Teaching your children to develop the habit of reading the Bible is the best legacy you can leave them, and seeing your offspring grow in God's Word is the most rewarding blessing you can experience.