In September, we celebrate self-improvement month. As part of the celebrations, we want to provide you with some tips on how to teach your child self-care. Self-care is not something you do out of selfishness. Self-care and self-improvement are essential for good development and are part of the basic needs every human being needs to thrive. As adults, we can get so immersed in our struggles that sometimes we forget that children and teens also need guidance on how to find balance in their lives.
Self-care is not just teaching them how to groom or bathe themselves. It is more than just providing good routines that help them have a balanced and healthy life. We must teach them that it is okay not to be alright every day and that they must express their feelings and care for the well-being of their bodies, spiritual lives, and minds. Establishing good self-care in your children does not have to be a hassle; you can make it fun for them and help them incorporate healthy habits that will enrich their lives forever. Here are some tips you can teach your children and teens so they can practice self-care:
We all need time to reset. Breathing is our ally in this task. When we take deep breaths, we take time to cool down, slow our pace, and think things through. Deep breaths help in reducing stress and tension.
Children need to stay hydrated. It is one of the simplest and most vital self-care routines you can show your children.
Resting is so crucial for focus and concentration. Resting is not just to sleep right; it is to take time to think, hear music, read a book, or simply immerse in quiet time.
Children need to move. It is a great way to release energy and be healthy.
Creativity helps self-care and self-improvement. It will help your children express themselves.
When you notice something is hard for your child or teen, please encourage them to take breaks. It is nothing to be ashamed of; we all need time to gather our thoughts and start again.
Teach your child that caring for their bodies is important. It is one of the essentials when loving ourselves.
Have them repeat positive affirmations and bible verses. Affirmations like, I can do all things through God that strengthens me, I am kind, capable, creative, and God loves me, among other affirmations.
Leave little notes in their backpacks and lunch boxes. Fill their lives with encouragement and resalt their positive traits. These will make all the difference. We should tell them how great they are because if we do not do this, the world will tell them lies, and they will believe them.
Teach them that they can take their cares to God and encourage them to seek him daily.
These are just a few ways you can teach your child about self-care. If you need additional resources or guidance, please don’t hesitate to contact the school. Together, we can support your child in building a strong foundation for a healthy, balanced, and fulfilling life. We’re here to help every step of the way!