Picture this: A world in which you are the sole habitant. That sounds daunting, right? A world with only one inhabitant sounds so lonely and depressing. We may complain about some individuals, but we cannot imagine a world without those we love, our family, friends, and companions. Thank God He thought that we should not be alone in this world and gave us companionship. He blessed us with the opportunity to share all this beautiful world and together grow and create great memories. Among these gifts are our friends.
Friends make life even more fulfilling with their genuine connections forged through moments of joy, support, and shared experiences. Think about your friends; now imagine a world without them. Heartbreaking, right? Friends are like a chosen family that learns from one another's strengths, lifts each other through challenges, and fosters an environment of trust, respect, and mutual understanding. During childhood, we tend to label everyone around us as our friends without any criteria or conditions. However, as we grow up and mature, we realize that the title of being a friend must be earned and maintained through appropriate actions. We learn that true friendship must have a foundation of trust, loyalty, respect, and mutual support, and it requires continuous effort and sacrifice to flourish. We now understand that having genuine and reliable friends is a valuable asset and a blessing from God that we must not take for granted. We must value our friends and treat them with respect and love.
This week, I invite you to reflect on your friendships and cherish them as bonds that make our lives more complete and better. I encourage you to celebrate friendship by doing something special for your friends and letting them know how much you value and treasure them. You don't have to spend lots of money; a small gesture goes a long way. Whether it is a homemade gift, an invitation for a coffee, or a sweet treat, celebrate friendship because it is a great blessing from God.