Do you feel empty inside, like nothing fills you up? Do you feel like you do not have the desire to live? Do you feel like a failure and unworthy of God's blessings? Do you struggle to get up in the morning and feel without energy and desire to continue? Do you always feel sad and hopeless? Have you thought you are better off dead? If you answered yes to any of these, you may be struggling with the stronghold of depression. Our mind is powerful, and whenever negative thoughts flood your mind, they drag you down and consume you, leaving you hopeless and drained. These negative thoughts poison your soul, producing a heaviness that is difficult to escape from. This stronghold of depression refrains you from enjoying God's joy and makes you feel alone and abandoned. Depression is a powerful weapon the enemy uses to steal your happiness. It blinds you, and you start thinking that God does not care for you and does not care. But there is hope because God does not give us a spirit of fear. You may be lost at the time, but not hopeless. Here are some ways you can break free from depression:
Identify the roots of your depression and ask someone for help. The first step is to admit you are dealing with depression and be willing to be freed from it. Then, you must seek help to deal with the roots that caused you to be depressed. Reach out! There are great Christian resources for Mental Health that can help you win this battle.
Ask God for strength and peace of mind. You must cast all your cares to Him and surrender.
Nourish yourself with God's Word. His word can set you free. His word is the truth and is full of tools and guidance toward healing and redemption. John 8:32,36 and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” 36 So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.
Seek God and His Holy Spirit! You need His strength and power to overcome this stronghold. May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing so that by the power of the Holy Spirit, you may abound in hope. Romans 15:13.
Seek Professional Help. Sometimes, we hesitate to ask for help because of shame and pride. But when we deal with strongholds we have had for a long time, we need help to break free from them.
Remember, you are not alone. Depression can make you think you are alone, but that is far from the truth. That is a lie Satan uses to destroy you. If you take time to look, you will notice that you have many people who care and love you.
The key to overcoming depression is to seek help. To break the cycle of silence, you must seek and accept aid. If you admit you are suffering from depression, I invite you to make this prayer:
Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for your love and for letting me see the warning signals that something is wrong. Please help me identify the root that is causing my depression. Please lead me to the right source of help and give me the strength to overcome this stronghold. I recognize that alone, I cannot break free. I need your help and your healing. Help me embrace my weaknesses and help me remember that when I feel alone, you are beside me; when I feel invisible, I am seen by you; when I feel powerless, for you, nothing is impossible; and when I feel worthless, you remind me that I am valuable to you. In Jesus's name, I pray. Amen!