Mission Statement
Victory Preparatory School is committed to the fundamental obligation to teach and live the Gospel message as well as preparing students to be productive, responsible, and effective members of the world community. We prepare students for lifetime service to God and the quest for knowledge.
Victory Preparatory School is a community in which teachers, clergy, and parents are dedicated to providing a Christian education for each student in the school. As facilitators of the educational program, the faculty and administration consider it essential to teach the student to live in accordance with the spiritual, moral, and ethical principles exemplified in the life of Christ. We realize the necessity of educating and developing our community of students to its fullest potential spiritually, ethically, intellectually, socially, and physically in a caring, nurturing environment. While we recognize the parent as the primary educator, we realistically acknowledge and contribute to the true partnership between home and school.
In the tradition of global awareness characteristic of our universal church, we further realize the need to prepare and instill in each student a global perspective that will move them to recognize and accept responsible membership in their school/family community, and in the world community.
Spiritual Goals
In accordance with the statement of our philosophy, Victory Preparatory School endeavors to:
Develop in each student a life centered on Jesus Christ and help the student maintain a personal relationship with God.
Guide the student into an inner-directed life, capable of making choices in conformity with a conscience.
Encourage living in accordance with ethical and spiritual principles based on the teachings of the Gospel.
Intellectual Goals
The faculty of Victory Preparatory School is committed to:
Use age-appropriate current events and outreach projects at every level to heighten awareness and concern in matters of social injustice.
Guide the student toward mastery of fundamental subject matter.
Encourage the pursuit of knowledge for personal growth and stimulate a lifelong desire to learn.
Provide solid academic training through a wide spectrum of subjects and instructional methods, and motivate students to excel in all areas.
Awaken in the student a realization of the need to develop the total person spiritually, intellectually, physically, and socially.
Psychological Goals
We recognize the necessity of developing an understanding of oneself through a positive self-image, nurturing a closer relationship between home and school, and developing a sense of responsibility to self, family, peers, and the world community.
Sociological Goals
We believe our students must experience Christian family/community living as preparation for roles and participation in the larger world/Church community.
Physical Goals
We believe that each student should participate in physical activities to achieve personal dignity and respect which contributes to physical growth and the development of specialized skills. We recognize the need to provide a physical education and health program that will enhance the student's self-concept and life with a sound and healthy body.
Aesthetic Goals
Recognizing the need for experienced beauty in daily life, we strive to develop an understanding and appreciation of the fine arts through discovery, sensory, experience, and personal creativity.