Extended Day Services:
Jr. VPS offers an affordable extended program for all Victory Prep school-aged students. Before and After School care is available.
What is Extended Day?
Our extended day offers drop-off and pick-up times before/after normal VPS school hours. Parents can drop off as early as 6:00 a.m. and pick up as late as 5 p.m. Extended day is also available on days where there is no school such as teacher planning days, spring break, and winter break.
What does Extended Day offer?
​Some of the many activities offered in after-school care are
Help with homework
Healthy and balanced snacks
Teacher-directed games/activities
Teacher-directed arts and crafts
Outside playtime
Is any Financial aid available?
Jr. VPS accepts Episcopal Childcare funding. To apply for ECS funding please visit their website at https://www.ecs4kids.org/. For any more questions regarding financial aid, please contact our front office at 904-810-0534.
If interested, email us at ogrove@victoryprep.net or call us at 904-810-0534.